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A huge THANK YOU is in order!
Objective achieved for "A Festive Set Menu for All"

January 2025

This year, the Resto du Cœur of Belgium Federation's campaign has enabled us to distribute 8,210 Festive Set Menus to people in precarious situations. This figure, which surpasses last year's target by nearly 1,000 meals, reflects the solidarity of countless individuals and organisations eager to bring some comfort during this holiday season.

This result is all the more exceptional as we were not certain we would achieve it. The goal seemed out of reach, but thanks to the exemplary mobilisation of our donors, we have managed to meet this challenge together.

This success is all the more meaningful as the Resto du Cœur of Belgium Federation is going through a difficult period, marked by unprecedented demand for food aid services and a strained budget. Associations like the Restos du Cœur must juggle limited resources while the number of beneficiaries continues to rise each year. Given the scarcity of unsold food donations, the Restos du Cœur are calling for increased support from the public authorities to strengthen available aid and sustain their actions.

The support received during this campaign makes it possible not only to provide a meal to people in precarious situations, but also to convey a message of hope and dignity. These festive meals are a way of reminding everyone that they deserve to experience the warmth and magic of the holiday season.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this campaign, thereby helping to bring the spirit of the holidays to the most vulnerable.