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39 years and we are not about to close the kitchens!

December 2024

The Restos du Cœur have been tirelessly working for 39 years to bring dignity and comfort to people in difficulty. The first Restos du Cœur were born from a passionate call for solidarity, an appeal made by Coluche in 1985 with a simple idea: to provide food for those who are hungry. He thought it would only last a few winters. Today, there are more Restos du Cœur than ever and they continue to meet the growing needs of an increasingly vulnerable population. The situation is getting worse because working is no longer enough to fill the fridge! The kitchens are not about to close!

Almost 40 years later, what was supposed to be a temporary situation has turned into a permanent one in the eyes of those who could make a difference. How much longer will it be possible for the Restos du Cœur to cope with this increase without restricting the assistance provided to beneficiaries? The Resto du Cœur of Belgium Federation  openly displays an alarming deficit of €400,000 in 2023. What are the decision-makers waiting for to find sustainable and effective solutions to help these people out of their precarious situation and relieve the aid organisations that are running out of steam?

If the Restos du Cœur continue, it is thanks to all the volunteers who work like crazy and those who reach into their pockets. The people who give are amazing, it touches the heart, but seriously… We should not even need all this and yet the Restos du Cœur are doing the job.

39 years… Even though their hearts are heavy, the Restos du Cœur remain united! That is why on 21 December, the Resto du Cœur of Belgium Federation and a delegation from each Resto du Cœur will gather at the Grand Place in Brussels. They will parade, accompanied by the Mayboom fanfare and the Order of Manneken-Pis, to pay homage to Coluche in front of the Manneken-Pis, a Brussels symbol, who will wear his most famous stage costume that day.

Thank you to those who give, thank you to those who help, but frankly... the Restos du Cœur shouldn’t still be here in 40 years.